Monday, February 27, 2006

Wildfire Hockey Pool Standings in the Olympics

The Shaving Moes.............................30
Langdon River Dogs...........................30
Don's Dinos..................................30
Thanx For Comin' Out.........................27
Team Lowes Racing............................26
THE Team.....................................23
The Slim Pickens.............................20
Team EA......................................17
The Late Impact..............................17

Doug's Deadbeats.............................15
Pull the Goalie..............................15
Sherpa's Yaks................................12
Team Chevy...................................12
Taffy's Tyrants..............................8

Well, with Sweden winning Olympic Gold, the Hockey Pool came out with this point total. The tie-breaker for this, just like our pool, is goals scored, which the Shaving Moes edged the Langdon River Dogs and Don's Dinos (16 to 11 & 9, respectively).

The Moes only had 6 players in the tournament where the Dogs had 7 and the Dinos had 8.

There was some injuries to report from the Games that will come over into the play resuming on Tuesday, but they will be reflected in the first update later this week...

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