Monday, March 21, 2011

How Do the Money Teams Stack in the Sheet?

I thought, since I had a little bit of time this week, why not have a quick peek at the money teams in the sheet pool and see where they went right... and where most of us went oh, so horribly wrong.

Down below, we can see how each team stacks up, lines that are green are boxes that all four teams could agree on completely and the lines in red are the boxes that are completely different.  Nine out of 32 boxes are completely alike, while only four are completely different.  I can't say I'm totally surprised about how many boxes are alike, these are four teams that are likely going to finish in the money and the ability to have the same players is there and kind of key to their success.

I also really like how there are a good number of boxes that are very close to being alike across the board, 3-to-1 splits and the few that are 2-to-2 splits.

1494 points
0 trades left
-21 points
0 trades left
-59 points
0 trades left
Scott G.
-59 points
0 trades left
Box 01H. SedinThorntonH. SedinH. Sedin
Box 02D. SedinD. SedinD. SedinD. Sedin
Box 03HeatleyHeatleyHeatleyHeatley
Box 04SharpSharpSharpSharp
Box 05MorrowCloweSteenWilliams
Box 06SetoguchiBennTanguayTanguay
Box 07KopeckyKopeckyEberleEberle
Box 08HallHallHallCouture
Box 09TurrisBacklundPaajarviPaajarvi
Box 10LidstromBoyleLidstromLidstrom
Box 11SuterEdlerGiordanoJohnson
Box 12KronwallKronwallSeabrookBouwmeester
Box 13BrewerAucoinAucoinAucoin
Box 14MurrayPietrangeloFowlerMurray
Box 15LuongoLuongoLuongoKiprusoff
Box 16CrawfordCrawfordNiittymakiNiittymaki
Box 17OvechkinOvechkinOvechkinOvechkin
Box 18St. LouisBackstromSt. LouisBackstrom
Box 19J. StaalSeminSeminSemin
Box 20KunitzGirouxVanekGiroux
Box 21HartnellComeauSutterKostitsyn
Box 22LaichLaichLaichKane
Box 23AveryComrieBozakFehr
Box 24LucicAnisimovLucicZherdev
Box 25EnnisEnnisSeguinSeguin
Box 26GreenGreenGreenGreen
Box 27TimonenTimonenTimonenTimonen
Box 28LetangLetangLetangCarle
Box 29ByfuglienByfuglienByfuglienByfuglien
Box 30SubbanSubbanSubbanSubban
Box 31LundqvistLundqvistMillerLundqvist
Box 32ThomasThomasThomasThomas

With only a few weeks left in the season, I begin to wonder if any of those deficits will be changing any time soon.

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